24 Jan Understanding uncertainty in the results of food system models
Computational models – like our own DELTA Model® – are often used to explore the future of the global food system. It can be easy to put lots of trust into these kinds of models: we trust that they were built by people who understand the system, were careful in their work, and used high quality data. But even when all these things are true, how exact are the outputs of these models? Within 5%, or within 50%? What are the implications of this uncertainty? In this Thought for Food article, we dive into model sensitivity and uncertainty, with examples from the DELTA Model®.
Sensitivity analysis and uncertainty analysis are related topics. Sensitivity analysis assesses which factors in a model (e.g. underlying data, calculation assumptions) matter most in determining model output, whereas uncertainty analysis assesses how confident we can be in model outputs given our uncertainty in the inputs. In the case of the DELTA Model®, we are interested in both what data and assumptions the model’s outputs are most sensitive to, and also how uncertain the outputs are given our uncertainty about the inputs.
But surely we are confident we used the best data and modelling assumptions in building the DELTA Model®? This is true, but even the best data has flaws. For example, it is known that the nutrient composition of foods varies seasonally, by location, and as a result of processing, and that food composition data is just the best possible approximation of a food’s composition across seasons and locations. Another example of flawed data is for food waste, which is only collected sporadically, leaving a patchy global picture.
These uncertainties led us to try to quantify the sensitivity and uncertainty of the DELTA Model® and its outputs. To do so, we identified all the underlying data and assumptions that could influence model outputs – including the allocation of products to food rather than other uses, food composition, food waste, food processing yields, and more. We then tweaked them one at a time to see which datapoints had the greatest impact on the model’s calculated global nutrient supply.
Unsurprisingly, the data with the biggest impact was the FAO estimates of the amount of each food commodity that becomes human food (as opposed to animal feed, supply chain losses, or other uses). Changes of just a few percent in these numbers could translate to the misallocation of millions of tonnes of food. Within these estimates, it was the cereal data that requires the most caution, as these are the foods consumed in the greatest quantities globally.
Beyond food allocation, we also identified the most sensitive datapoints in the food waste, food composition, and food processing data. While this was usually linked to cereals, again due to the importance of this food group in global diets, we also saw important sensitivity to vegetable, oilcrop, and dairy datapoints.
Now that we had a good view of the most important datapoints, we wanted to see how uncertainty across several of these at the same time would impact the model’s calculated nutrient supply. So, we varied every possible combination in both directions and measured the impact on each nutrient. Selenium, cystine, and carbohydrate supply were the most impacted, reflecting the dependence of the supply of these nutrients on cereals.
When we compared the variation in model output to global nutrient requirements, there were some instances where the variation led to a change from nutrient sufficiency to undersupply, particularly where supply was only just enough to meet sufficiency under normal model settings. However, there were no instances where an undersupply became sufficiency.

This work highlighted the need for really accurate food supply data, particularly for our most widely consumed foods, like cereals. It also showed that there are some nutrients that we can model with more certainty than others. For these lower-certainty nutrients in particular, it may be best to err on the side of caution when estimating sufficient supply.
This is an important consideration for users of the DELTA Model®, as well as users of other food system models, and models in general. Sensitivity and uncertainty analyses are not always done in the food system modelling space, leaving us uncertain how much trust to put in model outputs. Often, these models rely on data and assumptions similar to those of the DELTA Model®, so some inference about them can be drawn from this work, but it would still be valuable if these analyses became commonplace.
This will not always be easy. The DELTA Model® calculations can be performed in around 1 second, making the high number of repetitions needed in this sort of analysis feasible. Many other models have much longer runtimes, thus requiring careful selection of which data or assumptions to test. Further, the number of important datapoints to test can be quite high: 4019 different values were varied in this analysis, but other models can be even larger. When we start wanting to test every combination of every important value, analyses may need to run for decades, rather than days. However, there are smart mathematical and statistical approaches that avoid the need to be fully comprehensive, which can make these analyses more manageable.
The importance of understanding uncertainty is obvious: a model may tell us that iron undersupply will be the biggest nutritional challenge by 2050, prompting action on iron supply. What it will not tell us is that calcium or vitamin A could be even bigger challenges if our current data is slightly inaccurate. The better we understand the limitations of our models, the more confident we can be in our use of them.
This Thought for Food was written by Dr Nick Smith, a Senior Research Officer in the SNi team, with much of the analysis work done by summer intern Daniel Shippey. A scientific publication on the results is forthcoming.